Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and database and By obtaining, using and/or copying this software and database, youĪgree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and Of Copenhagen and Society for Danish Language and Literature under the following This software and database is being provided to you, the LICENSEE, by University
Review this DanNet license with respect to the intended use. An attorney representing the commercial interest should non Standard Conditions Of Use: Commercial Use of DanNetĭanNet may be used in commercial applications in accordance with the following.licence Name: Creative_Commons-BY (CC-BY).distribution Access Medium: downloadable.Ordnettet er maskinlesbart, og er primært tenkt brukt i språkteknologiske tjenester. Veldig enkelt sagt kan man se på et ordnett som en ordbok der konseptene ("ordene") er ordnet etter deres betydningsrelasjoner til hverandre heller enn alfabetisk – en "rose" er en type "blomst". Et tilsvarende ordnett har blitt lagd for nynorsk. Kaldera Språkteknologi AS gjennomførte dette arbeidet på vegne av Nasjonalbiblioteket.ĭen siste versjonen (versjon 1.1.2) inneholder omlag 305.000 synset. DanNet ble oversatt til norsk, og relasjonene mellom synsetene ble justert og manuelt korrigert etterpå. description: Den grunnleggende strukturen i ordnettet Norsk ordvev – bokmål tar utgangspunkt i det danske ordnettet DanNet (), som i sin tur er basert på ordboken Den Danske Ordbog.The wordnet is machine readable, and its inteded use is primarily for language technology services. Simplistically spoken, a wordnet can be conceived of as a dictionary of concepts where the concepts ("words") are ordered with respect to their semantic relation to each other – a "rose" is a kind of "flower" – instead of alphabetically. A similar wordnet has been made for Norwegian Nynorsk. The final version (version 1.1.2) contains about 305.000 synset, 250.000 of which are named entities. Kaldera Language Technology AS conducted this work on behalf of the National Library. DanNet was translated into Norwegian and the relations between the synsets were adjusted and manually corrected afterwards. description: The core structure of this wordnet for Norwegian Bokmål is based on the Danish wordnet DanNet (), which in its turn is based on the dictionary Den Danske Ordbok.resource Name: Norwegian Wordnet – Bokmål.resource Type: lexicalConceptualResource.